Friday 7 May 2010

Photograph analysis

From my photograph inspirations, I got an idea of what kind of outfits I would want to use. I have taken Lady gaga as inspiration for the wordrobe, by using very unusual and outrages clothing to catch my readers attention. It also matches he colour scheme of my magazine, giving my magazine a more professional look about it. The use of props use as the musical instruments relates to the genre of my magazine advertising that it is a music magazine. The hair and makeup are also not your everyday style so that it gives off the image that she is famous and a music artist. My music magazine is diverse and therefore I have ranged my outfits so that some appear "rocky" and some appear as the average teenage style which the majority of teens wear today suiting the majority so that my audience is broader and that my magazine sells more copies. The poses that she has used can appeal to both genders as she can seem seductive to the male population of readers and for femals she could be portrayed as a role model, as she is a successful women. Some of my photographs have been taken at a low shot angle so that the camera looks up at my model, therefore she is being portrayed as a role model and superior o the audience, I have also taken some midshot and long shots at her level so she comes across as relating to the audience giving them a feeling that they share things in common. I have also related back to the Lady Gaga inspiration from her video 'telephone' where she appears with coke cans in her hair and twisted the idea by putting kitchen utensils in my models hair so it gives the impression that she is very 'wild' and humourous, good qualities for reading. This will catch my audiences attention as it is unusual and eye catching.

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